M&S 2 dine for 10.

With the credit crunch here super markets are doing their bit to help you save money. It seems they all are, Saisburys, M&S and even Aldi has a new Commercial out with a chef making a meal on a budget. Seems theres a lot more choice that just beans on toast if your on a budget!
The Aldi advert for me does not reflect the best image of the company. Aldi is only mentioned at the end of the advert and there is no real call to action that this is food you can only get at their shop. Sainsbury's for example always has Jamie Oliver saying "take some Sainsbury's Good For Yourself ..." and so there is a direct call to action. The Aldi advert for me is limited in its success by the fact it just has the Aldi strap at the end.
I think this is a good move for the likes of M&S, as during the credit crunch, people are cutting back on everyday things... so the majority of the weekly shop is now being done elsewhere, such as Aldi. But nobody wants to give up every little bit of luxury - M&S sales are getting better aren't they? People are still going for the odd splurge on an M&S meal... it makes us feel better when everything else on our shopping list is from the supermarket value range!
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